Get Your Shop On
and Save $463!
Sound too good to be true? It's easier than you think! On average most items at our sale are priced at around 30% of retail (60-75% off). Just by walking in the door and shopping with us instead of buying new, you can get $500 worth of merchandise for around $150.
What if you buy all that on a half-price day???? Nearly 70% of the items you find will be marked to discount 50%! Wow! Now your $500 worth of shopping is only costing you somewhere between $75 and $100 bucks! So, SCORE! You have walked out the door with what is the equivalent of $500 worth of stuff and you've spent what now? Like $92 bucks!
But here is where the FUN really starts! Take that stuff home. Let your kids wear it to preschool. Let them wear it to church, to play dates, to dancing and gymnastics. Play with the toys. Actually use those cleats at baseball practice. And then . . .
About HALF of it will make it through unscathed right? They can't spill chocolate on all of it. They will usually make it home from that birthday party with both shoes. Now, YOU can consign it NEXT SEASON when they've grown out of it! (Maybe your kids aren't as messy as mine and 80% of your stuff is still in great shape but for the sake of this little story, let's just go with half.)
Fast forward a bit to the next season and you consign only half of those items (for the same price you paid), and you work a couple of shifts and make 80% of your sales as a consignor. You can make back an easy $50 or $60 bucks! That $92 you spent, less the $55 you made equals . . .you guessed it, $37 dollars!
$500 worth of awesome kid's stuff for around $37 bucks (plus all that FUN)!!